Top CMD or MS-DOS prompt commands which every hacker should know

Beat CMD or MS-DOS provoke charges which each programmer ought to know

On the off chance that you have been taking after Techworm routinely, odds are you are an extremely flexible programmer in your own privilege and don't have to know these summons. However, huge numbers of our perusers who are fledglings and need to learn hacking dependably approach us for the top Dos Prompt (C:/or CMD orders in Windows 10/7/8.1) they ought to know. So here goes.

CMD is a power apparatus which gives you a chance to do practically anything with your PC/tablet. There are basic summons like CD.. also, MD and so on which you most likely know so we wont get into that. Here are some truly valuable things a programmer can do with CMD orders.

Initially, open your Network Connection and right snap and select Properties. At that point Select TCP/IP and snap Properties once more. Presently Click on Advanced and WINS tab. Select Default for NeBIOS.

Presently back to the primary Local Area Connection window, select File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks and hit enter.

This is simply to ensure you have NetBIOS empowered. We will have a ton of fun with NetBIOS on CMD. In the event that you don't know how to get CMD by tapping the Windows symbol at the left-hand base of your screen in all Windows forms and tap on Start. Squeeze keep running from the begin, then sort "cmd" without quotes.

Presently here are the vital orders which each wannabe programmer ought to know :

net view
net use
net user

In the event that you don't have any acquaintance with some of them, then simply sort the summon on CMD and hit enter. A little help will appear on your screen. Perused it to comprehend what that specific charge does.

We should begin simple…

1) ping : This order will permit you to know whether the host you pinging is alive, which implies in the event that it is up at the season of executing the "ping" charge.

ping x.x.x.x (x is the IP address). You can take a stab at pinging which has a place with Google

or, on the other hand

ping ( is the site you need to ping, yet you don't have the foggiest idea about the IP)

2) nslookup : This order has numerous functionalities. One is for settling DNS into IP. Lets say you know the site URL however you don't have the foggiest idea about its IP yet you need to discover it out.

Eg. nslookup ( is the site for which you need to discover the IP)

Presently, another truly pleasant capacity of nslookup is to discover IP of particular Mail Severs

nslookup (enter)

set type=mx (enter)

This order will give you the mail server IP of You can utilize whatever server you need and in the event that it is recorded on DNS, then you get the IP. Basic, would it say it isn't? You can send a caricature email to your companions utilizing the IP address of the mail server. You can check the instructional exercise here for sending mock email.

3) tracert : This charge will give you the bounces that a parcel will go to achieve its last goal. This summon is truly useful in the event that you know the highway a bundle takes before it goes to the objective box.

tracert x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)

or, on the other hand

tracert ( is the site you don't have a clue about the IP)

4) arp : This order will demonstrate to you the arp table. You can see whether anybody has done arp harming in your LAN utilizing this charge.

arp - a

5) course : This order will demonstrate to you the steering table, entryway, interface and metric.


course print

6) ipconfig : This order will demonstrate to you a great deal of valuable things like your IP, Gateway, DNS being used, and so on. This summon will give all that data yet for all systems you may have it.



or, then again



Likewise, in the event that you have a dynamic IP and need to change it, then sort…


ipconfig/discharge (this will discharge your IP)

ipconfig/recharge (this will reestablish your iP)

7) netstat : This order will demonstrate you association details



or, on the other hand


netstat - a (this will demonstrate to all of you the listening ports and association with DNS names)

netstat - n (this will demonstrate to all of you the open association with IP addresses)

netstat - a (this will consolidated both of the above)

net view x.x.x.x or computername (will list the accessible sharing organizers on the objective box)

Here are some extra CMD charges which will help you.


net use \ipaddressipc$ ""/user:administrator

(this summon will permit you to associate with the objective as manager)

Presently on the off chance that you need to associate with the objective and peruse the whole C drive, then utilize this order:


net utilize K: \computernameC$

(this will make a virtual drive on your "my PC" envelope)

If it's not too much trouble not that this order will just work if the objective PC/portable PC has not set an Adminastrator Password.

What's more, slightest however not last, the "help" charge.


whatevercommand/offer assistance

or, on the other hand



This order is extremely valuable in finding what a specific summon does, particularly in the event that you are a newby.

Trust you loved the CMD summons recorded previously. In the event that you have found any charge other than those recorded above, mercifully note them in the remarks for our different perusers. 


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